Monday, July 16, 2012

Sent from my iPad

Ok, so I just noticed that whenever I send emails from my phone, it says, Sent from my iPad. I don't know about you, but it sounds like I'm bragging..Oh and I had the worst experience at Wendy's. So my dad and I were at wendys getting food, DERRR, but then we had to wait in a stupid line of 9 cars. Then when we place the order, they tell us they wanna make the damn patty crispy. Crispyyyyyyy then when we finally got the burger 15 minutes later, we don't get fries. (haha, laugh at my misery) so I go over to the shop which is now closed, and knock on the door. There's a waiter who starts yelling at me saying, WE'RE CLOSED!!! WE'RE CLOSED!!! WE'RE CLOSED!!! I ******* get it, man. So we have to wait another 10 minutes.

A lotta potential

Dead people should donate their eyes, and then we can use their EYEBALLS to put em in cameras. Cuz you know how you sometimes see a really pretty sunset, and you take a picture of it? And then you take a picture and get a damn. Dark. Photo. With light blobs. -_- I tell you, the eye-cam's gotta A lotta potential.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sorry!!! -_-

Weeell, well, well... 82 page views? Look whose co e crawling back. Not to sound cheeky (I have no idea what that means, it just sounds cool) but....ok ignore this sentence. bahahahaa I finally got a iPad so now I can blog anytime. This whittle piggy is back in business *oink

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


i just saw one of coachella's videos, and it was so lame. i mean there was a weirdo oldie in gray skinny jeans dancing in circles and standing on the tops of his feet in some weird pose. and there was another video in which theres this eskimo boy with a TAN!? then, there were these kids dressed up in these bizarre costumes doing god knows what. ttyl, whatever-my-name-is


sometimes, when im alon in a room i have 2 sneeze, but then i dont want 2, cuz it's awkward to "disturb the peace"......especially with a sneeze. BTW, i was at the school office, and i had a chat with the principal.
office lady: hello, how can i help you?
me: have you seen a book?
a random racist teacher: what kinda book? a textbook, comicbook, regular book?
office lady: what kind?
me: a regular book -_- (derr) (by now i was really pissed off)
principal: i love how you said hello back to mrs. ***** (the office lady)
me: -____- hello, mrs. ***** (oh and dear principal, i have more pressing matters on my mind than saying hello to some lady i barely know.
me: thank. you. (not really) *leaves*
ANYWAYS, thats how annoying school can be.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I.Q. Test
There are 500 bricks on a plane, You drop one outside.
How many are left?
Applicant: That's easy, 499

Interviewer: What are the three steps to put an elephant
into a fridge?
Applicant: Open the fridge. Put the elephant in, Close the fridge.

Interviewer: What are the four steps to put a deer into the fridge?
Applicant: Open the fridge, Take the elephant out,
Put the deer in, Close the fridge.

Interviewer: It's lion's birthday, all the animals
are there except one, why?
Applicant: Because the deer is in the fridge.

Interviewer: How does an old woman
cross a swamp filled with crocodiles?
Applicant: She just crosses it because
the crocodiles are at the lion's birthday.

Interviewer: Last question. In the end the old lady still died ?
Applicant : bcoz the dropped brick hit that lady !!! :P